Organizational Leadership for the AI and GPT Revolution
Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially the disruptive Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs), presents us with a Promethean dilemma. AI is poised to revolutionize almost every industry with optimization to previously unimaginable levels.
Digitization vs. Digital Transformation, What’s the Difference and Why it Matters
Digitization and digital transformation are two terms often used interchangeably in discussions about the impact of technology on organizations. While they share some similarities, they are fundamentally different concepts.
Can Operational Excellence Help my Small to Medium-Sized Business?
Since Juran introduced the term Operational Excellence (OPEX) in the 1970s, it has grown in popularity, and today only a small number of large organizations don’t have an OPEX program.
Why is Investing in GVP Inspection Preparedness a Great Strategy for CROs, Generic and Small Pharma
It is no secret that regulatory agencies have stepped up their game regarding GVP inspections. The recent pandemic has helped regulatory agencies to become more proficient at virtual inspections, which has increased their capacity for performing GVP inspections.
Digitizing Healthcare in Low and Middle-Income Countries.
Digital transformation is changing how we deliver healthcare. The upward trend of using technology to augment healthcare delivery in LMICs increases access and improves quality and efficiency.
The Role of Leadership in OPEX.
Strong leadership is the driving force that sets the tone for the organization's culture and aligns everyone toward the same goal. Leadership is critical in creating a vision and strategy for the organization.